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Munich International Ski Club 


If you need to contact the Munich International Ski Club, please email the person you need to contact directly:

General questions about the club please contact:

If you have problems relating to the website or email notifications, or questions regarding your membership status, please contact:

Regarding issues with payments/invoices please contact:

Regarding daytrips, please contact:

Regarding skiing events other than daytrips please contact the organizer of the trip. If you don’t know who that is, ask:

Regarding non-skiing events please contact:

Other council members can be contacted on:


 President (Vorsitzender): Responsible for chairing all council meetings and the Annual Membership Meeting. Monitors status of ongoing projects and trips throughout the year and generally makes sure everyone is carrying out their duties. Leads new ideas and decisions and ensures current policies are being adhered to and followed through on. Responsible for public relations, social media and external questions about the club.

 Vice President (Stellvertretender Vorsitzender): Main responsibility is taking over the President’s duties when the President is unable to fulfil them and organizing the regular club meetups during the ski season, in coordination with the Special Events person.

 Secretary (Schriftführer): Responsible for taking minutes of all council meetings, as well as minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting. Responsible for submitting changes to the charter and names of newly elected council members to the notary and respective government offices.

 Treasurer (Schatzmeister): Responsible for tracking expenditures and income, paying bills and refunds, addressing tax issues, providing council with a regularly updated financial standing and producing and presenting the Treasury Report at the Annual Membership Meeting.

 Day Trip Captain: Responsible for signing up and collecting money for participants of scheduled day trips, maintaining contact with the bus company, establishing destinations and running trips.

 Day Trip Backup: Responsible for helping the Day Trip Captain.

 IT and Membership: Responsible for maintaining the web site, booking system, membership lists and ensuring that the club IT used by the council and members is working as they need it.

 Special Events: Responsible for organizing and running all non-skiing events, such as Biregarten Meetups, the Summer BBQ, Oktoberfest, Christmas Party, End-Of-Season Party, and Fortnightly Meetups, etc.

 Social Media / Marketing: Responsible for the club's social media output and encouragement of recently joined members and associates to become more involved with the club

For any other questions please don´t hesitate to contact us.


At least twice per month during the ski season, and indeed throughout most of the year.


At least one daytrip per weekend from January to March when there is no Longtrip, and often more.


Four or five weekend, long weekend or one-week trips during the ski season

To make donations to the club, please follow the link to our Paypal account here.

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