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  • 21 Mar 2015
  • 06:45
  • Zauchensee (Trip cancelled )
  • 48




Emergency phone number: During the daytrip you can reach the trip captain on +49 163 8472738. Save this number and take it with you!

The meeting point is the Giesing Bahnhof. The bus will depart at 06:45 so you need to be there for 06:30 to allow loading time. The name of the bus company is Geldhauser and it should be parked in the bus station.

Ski location may be changed without notice at the discretion of the trip captain (depending, for example, upon snow conditions).

Cancellation: Contact for cancellations or any changes to your registration. Once you have registered for a daytrip you've committed to going and the full payment is due immediately. If you cancel you still owe 15 Euro deposit per attendee, and if you simply don't show up you owe the full amount and this can lead to being banned from future trips. We need to do this unfortunately because a number of people register for daytrips to reserve a place for themselves and then decide later if they really want to go, expecting that they can just cancel - apart from being unfair to other members, this causes a lot of work for daytrip captain and treasurer and reducing this workload means that it's more likely there will be someone willing to run daytrips next year.

To add additional guests please contact for any changes to your registration including adding extra guests. Please don't register a second time to try to add guests as this just creates a mess. Unfortunately our booking system does not allow members to make changes directly.

Members have priority with bookings until a week before the trip. Associates may only sign up after this, and guest registrations may be cancelled in favour of members. (For special guests, such as friends visiting you Munich and wanting to go skiing with you, drop the Daytrip Captain an email to let him know.)

Prices: Members: 50 Euro. Guests and Associates: 60 Euro. Price includes the bus ride and the lift ticket (with its deposit) - you keep the deposit when you return the ticket to the ticket office. Children: Reduction, depending upon the resort - initially pay the full amount, the reduction refund will be given back to you.

In case of problems please contact

To make donations to the club, please follow the link to our Paypal account here.

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